built with
- Custom emoji’s from GT Maru😍, as well as the bubbly logo font
- Rosé Pine for code block syntax highlighting color scheme
- Inter font family for body font
- Forked from Eleventy Excellent, made by Lene Saile who is a great developer and designer
- Eleventy static site generator, which makes it incredibly easy to make your own website. I even write about it
AI Tools
I’ve used AI tools in the programming of the site, writing quick CLI tools and things like that. I do not use them for writing or content.
- Cline: VSCode plugin that gives Claude access to file system and command runner
- Superwhisper: Voice to text transcription service that is honestly stunning in how good it is. Available to me with my SetApp subscription.
I use SuperWhisper to give voice commands to Cline, which then runs the commands in my terminal.